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2011-7-31 11:17:50不详 佚名 【字体:




拿破仑酥 (参考份量:10厘米×20厘米长方型千层派一块)材料:牛奶250克,细砂糖50克,蛋黄3个,玉米粉20克,香草棒1/2支,罐头黄桃三块;千层酥面团一份,可可粉少许,糖粉少许,美国大杏仁片30克,全蛋或蛋清少许。


Napoleon Pastry
(makes one 10cm * 20cm Napoleon pastry)
Milk: 250g
Caster sugar: 50g
Egg yolk: 3
Cornflour: 20g
Vanila stick: 1/2
Canned peach in syrup: 3 pieces
Pastry dough: 1 serving
Cocoa powder: a little
Icing sugar: a little
Almond flake: 30g
Whole egg or eggwhite: a little
1)Combine then whisk the egg yolks and caster sugar for 3-4 minutes until the sugar is fully melted and the mixed liquid turns to white, then add in 20g cornflour and mix well;
2)Pour the milk into a little saucepan. Vertically cut the vanilla stick, pick out the vanilla seeds and add into the saucepan, also add the vanilla stick in. Heat this saucepan over small-heat;
Take away the saucepan from the heat when the milk is just boiling, pick out the vanilla stick and cool the milk for 1-2 minutes;
Then slowly pour and stir this milk into the whisked liquid egg yolk(made in step 1);
3)Pour the mixed yolk-milk into the saucepan once again, then heat over samll-heat and keep on stiring;
After about 2 minutes, when the liquid turns to be thicker starchiness then turn off the heat and cool this thicker yolk-milk;
4)Take out the pastry dough from the fridge, roll out into a rectangled piece with the thickness of 0.3cm, trim the edge. Use a fork, evenly make some little holes on the doughpiece surface so that it won't be convex when baking;
Put the dough piece back to the fridge, freeze for more than 20 minutes (also could prevent to be convex when baking). Before baking, brush some whisked egg on the dough piece surface;
5)Pre-heat the oven to 200C, put the ready dough piece into the higher-medium shelf, bake for 15-20 minutes until golden;
6)Cool the baked pastry then cut into 10*20cm rectangled pieces;
Spread the peach-mayo(chopped canned peach mix with mayo) on each piece layer by layer (total 3 pieces (layers) for one Napoleon pastry);
Crush the rest pastry, mix with the rest peach-mayo and then spread this mix around the the layered pastry, and stick on some baked almond flakes;
Finally, dust some cocoa powder and icing sugar on the pastry's surface for decoration;
And before serving, you can further cut this ready Napoleon pastry into smaller pieces if you need. Finish


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