For Dr. Norman Gary, the 77-year-old world"s leading expert on bees, a swarm of bees is the culmination of years of studying and an amazing ability to control the insects" every move. The retired professor can coax 100,000 bees on to his body without receiving a single sting and can even get one million of them to make ninety degree turns.
77岁的世界级养蜂专家、博士Norman Gary几十年研究蜜蜂已到了“登峰造极”之境,竟可以操纵这些小生物的飞行路径。据了解,这位退休了的教授被10万只蜜蜂附体仍能泰然自若,毫发无伤,还能指挥百万蜂群90度集体转向,让人叹为观止。
Emeritus professor Norman Gary wearing 75,000 pounds of bees.
For Dr. Norman Gary, the 77-year-old world"s leading expert on bees, a swarm of bees is the culmination of years of studying and an amazing ability to control the insects" every move. The retired professor can coax 100,000 bees on to his body without receiving a single sting and can even get one million of them to make ninety degree turns.
77岁的世界级养蜂专家、博士Norman Gary几十年研究蜜蜂已到了“登峰造极”之境,竟可以操纵这些小生物的飞行路径。据了解,这位退休了的教授被10万只蜜蜂附体仍能泰然自若,毫发无伤,还能指挥百万蜂群90度集体转向,让人叹为观止。