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The insects are going to be a bug this summer

2011-8-24 17:08:02本网原创 saintmly 【字体:

The insects are going to be a bug this summer

Photos of the male and feamale deer tick, known to carry Lyme Disease. Researchers are seeking to develop a vaccine, not against the bacteria that causes Lyme disease but against the tick itself. Lyme disease is here to stay, experts say, but anything that can reduce tick numbers or fight infection would save thousands of people from a potentially damaging illness.

A couple weeks back I wore shorts and a T-shirt to fish one morning. As a result, I spent more time swatting gnats and mosquitoes than I did fishing. Likewise, I have pulled at least a dozen ticks off my clothing and skin in the past month.

The simple fact is we have had so much rain this spring, conditions are ripe for insect breeding and if you are going to spend time in the outdoors you had better be prepared fend off the swarms of bugs that will be looking for a meal. One look at the surface of a lake or pond on a calm day will prove my point, as the surface is covered with insects. So here are some tips on how to fend off the insect air force.

Standing Water:
One of the biggest reasons there are so many insects this year is the standing water left by all the rain we have had this spring. One thing you can do right around your own house is to make sure there is no standing water. Check for any objects that might be holding water, such as old tires, buckets, containers, etc. and not only empty them, but also make sure they cannot hold water from a future storm. If you live in an area when there are low lying spots (we are not talking about swamps or wet lands) that might be holding water, on the short term use a leaf blower or broom to push the water out of them. On the long term, fill them in.

Grass & Weeds: Ticks are, and are going to be, a big problem this spring. Make sure your grass is kept cut and weeds, especially thick, tall ones, are kept under control. Tall grass and weeds are a hiding place for ticks. If you have a dog he can pick up ticks from tall vegetation and bring them in your house.

Pets: If you have a dog or a cat that spends time outside, make sure you use flea and tick medication. Even if you dose your pet monthly you should check them every few days to make sure there are no ticks on them. Lymes Disease is very common among dogs that are in the outdoors a lot. We have a beagle and lab, and both have had lymes vaccinations and are treated monthly with flea and tick medication, and the beagle still caught lymes.

Light Color Clothing: Light color shorts, T-shirts and white socks are a good choice when you spend time in the outdoors. It’s a lot easier to spot ticks and other insects on light colors as opposed to dark colors. It’s best to wear knee-high white socks when you are out in the field in grass or weeds. They will protect you from itchy weed, fire weed (stinging nettle) and, to a degree, poison ivy, as well as insect bites and ticks.

There are numerous insect repellents on the market today and most will work if used properly. The ones that are the most effective are the ones that contain high levels of DEET, which was developed by the U.S. Army for use in the jungle. It first came on the market for civilian use in 1957. While products containing DEET are safe for use on the skin, the best way to apply the repellants is to spray or dab them on your clothing and hat. When you apply the repellants to your skin, do so in exposed areas and be sure to wash them off as soon as you are inside and away from the insects.

One item that I have found very effective is a Thermacell Mosquito Repellant. The Thermacell is powered by a butane cartridge. The device houses a small flame that generates heat through a metal grill and heats a mat saturated with Allethrin, which mimics a natural insecticide found in the chrysanthemum flower. The heat produced by the burning butane vaporizes the repellent on the pad, emitting a 15x15 (225 square foot) zone which keeps the mosquitoes at bay. The device can be worn on a belt or placed on the ground nearby.

I place one in the front and one in the back of my boat when fishing and you can visibly see the insects swarming around the boat but keeping their distance. I have used them in Canada and they have worked on the beaches with good success. The devices and refills are available at Dicks Sporting Goods, Walmart and other departments stores, as well as through mail order suppliers.



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